Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Emma Starts Soccer
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Holding Hands by the Nolichucky
This is a picture of Abby and Emma holding hands while hiking by the Nolichucky River at Davey Crockett's birthplace. We were on a picnic and had a great time. They were helping each other over the rocks. They are great hikers and small rock climbers. So proud of them. Thought they were going to fall in the river at time or two.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Call Me Jonny Bon

My pappaw called me Jonny Bon. I'm not sure where he got it. I had no idea at the time but I now know that in French "bon" means good. Perhaps it just rhymed. But, oh how I wish I were known by all as "good jonny"; by those close to me, my friends, my family, my wife. I suppose Ode shortened Jonathan to Jonny as a term of endearment. The oldest son of his youngest daughter. He must have thought something of me, fondly. I know I did of him.
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Riches I Have
The riches I have were not mine one day,
One day, previous in my life
The riches I have were not claimed by me
By me knowing nothing but strife
The riches I have were not mine until
I realized God, source of light
The riches I have, they were given to me
To me, undeserving, un-right
The riches I have were not mine, and yet
By decision I married, made right
The riches I have are a gift, healing me
Redemption from heaven, my wife
-Jonathan Glenn
13 May, 2005
Cinta A Sonnet
Cinta, Cinta,
Quite contrary.
Waits for something more.
But while she waits, anticipates
She found herself a bore.
And so she sought to pedigree
Become what others proffer.
But what she found was something less
Than what she had to offer.
Oh bother, my brother, my captain, no poet;
Why cater with words so of dread,
Why prescribe a sonnet without something on it
And verse so un-apropos said?
A life misread and dreams unreal, expectations unrequited.
I found instead of the husband I wed, a hero yet unknighted.
Jonathan A. Glenn
Found Art
Found Art
July 17, 2006
To Areli
my love
There is a fine thing in Italia
That I constant quest to see
Over the Alps and down the far side;
Just short of mountained Tuscany.
Stay west of Venezia, oh, just a bit
Now back to Verona for only a stint
In Veneto husbanded
Rare beauty vine sweet
The object of my longing…
Not frank Mona Lisa
Nor leaning to please
Or led via Roma bound way
More classic than Peter’s square
Perfection approaching
Like marble’s smooth face beauty fair.
I find there my favored love…
Three times I asked her
Three times she replied
And multiplied blessings
Appeared at her side
Like columns of wonder
And faces of grace
I find in my quiver
She fills up my place
Each valley and hilltop
Exploring I go
Determining subtleties
Inspecting each rose
From auburn crown down
To her rare freckled face
Across each inch marking
My lips gently trace
And lingering softly
To whisper her name
I call her my lover
She breaths out the same
Without hesitation
I take my sweet time
Each moment made sweeter
As her thoughts mingle mine
Her museum perusing
A masterpiece made
Each portal I open
Reveals unrivaled fame
Soft, wait; what creation
Did I pass too soon?
I return to my pleasure
Round shoulder to groom.
This road leads to valleys
A curve and a bone
Her cheek follows gently
To where kisses call home.
Stay here for a while
Tasting honey and skin
Take a dew flavored petal
Spiral soft, subtle in.
The season, it changes
Like bird on the wing
Chase summer in autumn
South; warm climates bring
Enjoy vista’s journey
Scenes marvelous view
Creation God Sculpted
Delight for the Two
Trace over perfection
With feather soft touch
Enlighten, encircle
Soul hungry for such
Remain here for pleasure
Remain here for tone
Remain here forever
Raw senses to hone
And now can I leave
For points much further on
I’ll stay if you ask me
List’ to your faint song
Now exhausted my touring
The wonder I’ve met
The art that I’ve found here
Is the best I’ve found yet.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Upon A Hill